Thursday, October 25, 2007

It Is Well With My Seoul

Hello All! We have just arrived at our beautiful hotel in Seoul! I will try to make as much sense as possible however we have been traveling for about 24 hours and I've had about 3 hours sleep total in the past two days so even spelling my name is a little difficult. I just wanted to hop on and say that God has truly blessed us on this trip and everything has gone so smoothly. Our flights were smooth and we were blessed to be seated in a row with four seats and only us in it, for the long haul. We had a small set-back when we arrived in Seoul, because we were expecting a driver to come and get us, but I guess the Eastern did not receive our request in time. Not a big problem, and with the help of a few very kind strangers here we were able to hop on a bus and head to our hotel. And speaking of the hotel, HOLY COW UNCLE MIKE!!!! It is absolutely the most beautiful and luxurious hotel Mom and I have ever stayed in. What an amazing treat after the long day of travel. In other exciting news I talked with Eastern when we landed to confirm that we would be coming in to meet Adam tomorrow. Yay! Our appointment with his foster mother, our social worker, and most importantly Adam is scheduled for 10am. We are thrilled. We also learned that there is a chance that we will get to keep him from then on, because Eastern is technically closed on the weekends. However the very nice woman at Eastern did say that because the babies are older, he may not be glad to see us in which case we will get him Sunday afternoon. Mom and I are a little nervous about both possibilities. In scenario 1 we get Adam tomorrow (woohooo) however we did not pack enough clothes, diapers, or food for him since we thought we would get him right before we headed home. It could make for some exciting shopping in Seoul though. In scenario 2 we see Adam, it is so wonderful to finally see him, but as is natural he is nervous about us, they tell us to come back on Sunday where we will pick up a nervous little boy and put him on a plane for 12 hours. Either way we are finally getting Adam and I could not be happier and look forward to the adventures. We know God will put us on the right path and that whatever happens, we are so excited to meet Adam. I can't believe it is just a few hours away. Mom wanted for me pass on that her phone is out of commission and she can't pass on texts or pictures like she had hoped. However we are going to try to upload pictures of our meeting tomorrow. Can't wait! As always thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers. They have made a difference!


Emily said...

Oh my goshhhhh! I am so happy for you. I cannot believe how long and trying this whole process has been and now you are standing at the front door! I will be glued to this blog all day awaiting updates and pictures of the little man. I love you guys and cannot believe the day you meet him is actually here!
Talk to you soon
~Sweet E

Lisa said...

Today is the day!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!! I'm so happy!! Wow that is cool that you might get to keep him with you the rest of your trip. Don't forgot GOd knows what he is doing!!
I love you both. Thanks for sharing yous trip with us!! Can't wait to hear!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox to the little man of your's!!!

Pat said...

Great to hear things are going so well. Teri, Nikki, Mandi, Molly and I send our prayers and our best wishes. Can't wait to meet the little guy!

God bless you on your journey!

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!!! I hope you get Adam early! If you need more clothes, strap on your seatbelts for a wild ride and go shopping at Namdaemun! They have excellent prices and TONS of children's clothes!!! I am so thrilled for you! I am praying that Adam adores you from first sight and that you can take him with you today. We were blessed to have that extra bonding time with Sam before we left. No matter....the Lord is good and I know He will bless all your time. His ways are highest.....but I am still going to pray that you can take Adam TODAY!! He SHOULD be with his mommy and Nana!!!!! I can't wait to hear more!!!!! Love,Jill

Beth said...

Wow, Carly, I am soooo excited for you! Words cannot even express how thrilled I am for you both. I'm keeping you in my thoughts that all goes incredibly smoothly and Adam connects with you instantly. Thanks for the updates!!!

Mandy said...

Holy cow, Carly! This is THE single coolest thing in the whole world!! I'm so frickin' excited for you and your mom and Matt and everyone... what a wonderful day it is! Here's hoping that Adam sees immediately that his destiny was always to have you as his Mama, and that you have a perfect adventure home with God's awesome blessing. Best of luck, Miss Carly - know that I'm thinking of you and that I love you so much! Give baby Adam a big squeeze from his pseudo-Aunt Mandy! And one for your mom, too!!

Anxiously awaiting more info and pictures, and of course your safe return...

Cathy said...

OMG!!!!!!This is the best news ever!!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to get more updates. The day has come! How wonderful.

Hugs and Kisses for him!

Lorrie said...

The students, Mary B., and I are so excited for you. We can't wait to see pictures. Your students have been wonderful for Mary. WE MISS YOU! You don't know how many people I've had to tell the story to about getting the final phone call that Adam is ready!

Love & hugs,

azrial1 said...

I am so happy for you and can't wait for you to start posting pictures! You know all Adam's virtual aunts are here sending good thoughts and prayers to you! Soon you'll be flying home with your precious son!

Bill&Debby said...

We're so glad you arrived safe and sound. You've got such a big day ahead of you, and we're happy that you have such a luxurious hotel to call home for now. Remember, when Adam sees the hotel, he'll expect this kind of kingly treatment in the future. Can't wait to hear more. Love you, Bill&Deb

Unknown said...

Congratulations Carly! I am chomping at the bit in anticipation of photos. I'm thrilled for you, Matt, your mom, and darling little Adam Jae Min. :) I wish you the best of luck in your first meeting--he'll be crazy not to fall in love with you at first sight.
Zoe/Ruby Bleu

Uncle Gaucko said...

To two moms and a baby,
I am so happy for y'all I could jump up and down and spit nickles!!!!!!!! Congratulations Carly and Matt. God Bless your new family. We are blessed to have Adam become part of our family. Can't wait to see the little guy, can I call him Little Gaucko?..jk
Take care, May you have a safe and smooth journey home. PS Don't tell Adam the Rockies got pounded last night

nancy said...

Congratulations CARLY, MATT, and are wonderful, caring family! I remember all of our conversations, Carly, and my heart sings with joy for you and Matt! Have a safe journey home. I hope to have a chance to hold Adam and see you all soon. Thanks for sharing your Seoul experience! Always, Nancy

nancy said...

Congratulations Carly, Matt and Adam! What a wonderful, caring family! I remember all of our conversations, Carly, and my heart sings with joy for you all! The fun is just beginning:) I hope to see you all and have a chance to meet Adam soon. Safe travels...
Always, Nancy Sommer