Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Celebrate Me Home*

So I'm a little late, I know that, I'm a little late in saying this...but WE HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!!! Home at last. As you can see by the non-post last night after 11, I tried to write about our homecoming last night but ended up finally hitting the proverbial wall and entered a coma-like state until 11 this morning. Emily just called and informed me that my post last night was very uninformative so I needed to step it up and post tonight. :) Sorry for the delay. And apparently being a parent is a pretty time consuming thing, are you aware of this? (Parents around the world just let out a collective, "Uhh, ya think?!") But we're back baby and I'm ready to report.

Adam, Mom, and I left Seoul at 10am on Sunday.

We took a bus to the airport and were ready for the long journey home. I prayed and prayed and prayed that Adam would handle the trip well, or at least that we would be traveling with understanding saint-like passengers, who appreciate the sound of a crying baby like others appreciate music and art. And thankfully God blessed us again. Adam handled the plane rides like a champ!!

He slept most of the long flight to Vancouver and was happy and content in the small amount of time he was awake. We were absolutely blessed again because we were in a row with 4 seats, and once again just the 3 of us so Mom and I took the end seats and Adam slept on the 2 in between. Passengers on all of our flights commented on how amazing he was, content and happy. We flew from Seoul to Vancouver to San Fransisco to Denver. Adam got just a tiny bit stressed on the last flight home but by that time we had been traveling for 24 hours and I myself was screaming and throwing things at other passengers so his stress was understandable.

We arrived in Denver at 8:30pm on Sunday and were so surprised to see Rose and Matt had gotten special permission to meet us at the gate, and the party began!!!! The laughter, the tears, the hugs, we were a regular Hallmark commercial! :) Everyone was so happy to meet Adam, but no one more than his Dad. Matt picked him and said, "I'm never letting him go." I knew he was going to be a wonderful father, but there are no words to say what it is like to see him with Adam. You can just see on him face how much he loves him and it melts my heart. I am one lucky lady to have these two guys in my life! Well the 5 of us headed on the train and to meet the rest of the group. We were quite the spectacle and soon we met the rest of the homecoming party. We were met by Dad (Papa), Grandpa Jerry, Lisa, Dante, and Christian. Lisa had made signs for everyone to hold and Dante was yelling, "Adam you complete me!" :) It was so wonderful!! Adam went easily to everyone and LOVED Christian! He smiled and yelled and tried to hug his cousin right away. They will be true partners in crime. Then we took the party and headed back to our house. Adam did not like the car-ride home or his new car seat and voiced his opinion on the matter. When we got home, Matt stayed true to his word and would not let him go. He gave him a bottle and got him ready for bed. The rest of our family stayed for just a short while. It was a wonderful end to the most important trip of my life.

Yesterday and today have been excellent. Adam has slept through the night with just a few tiny interruptions. He has bonded so well with Matt and goes to family and friends easily. He has been taking 2 naps a day and even takes them in his crib! He is very happy and content. He yells LOUDLY when he is happy and has a big appetite, so he's in the right family. He loves kids, especially his cousin. Thank you so much to everyone who has called, sent cards, and even food. I cannot thank you all enough. Matt and I could not feel more blessed and loved. I am so excited for Adam to meet the rest of his family and friends. Thanks also for your comments on this blog. It has been really fun to read them. I'll keep posting pictures and details of our new adventures to come. Love to you all!

****Apparently Kenny Loggins is the official singer/songwriter of our adoption, between this title and our nursery. Thanks Kenny, your sound is timeless! :)


Unknown said...

COULD I BE ANYMORE THRILLED FOR YOU????? What a great start to a BEAUTIFUL relationship!!!!
Blessings, Jill

Adam's Nana said...

Praise GOD from whom all Blessing flow.... our family has been so blessed to have Adam in it. Carly and Matt, thank you so much for letting me go with Carly to pick up the baby. It was one of the greatest adventures in my entire life. It was so great to see how easy Carly and Adam bonded! Foster Mom and Social worker were amazed! Carly has that sweet voice and she talks soft to him and he just melts. He slept in bed with her at the hotel but kept reaching out to touch her while he slept to make sure she was still there. The homecoming was so awesome too. Matt and the baby are inseparable!! How super is that! Today Adam and family popped in for a really quick visit and he met our dogs. We don't know if he ever saw a dog before and he certainly didn't like them. He crawled right up Matt's lap when he was scared. He knows his Dad for sure! My cup runneth over as they say. I look forward to loving that boy forever and watching him grow. ALL GLORY TO GOD!

Karla said...

Carly, thank you for creating your blog and updating it. The pictures are so heart warming. Matt is such a wonderful father!

How does Adam like the dogs?

I love that everyone had signs to welcome you. And am so happy to hear that Adam and Christian will be playmates.

Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenthood! It is the best job around.


Susan said...

THANK YOU for the update, Carly! Your FC sisters have been trying to be patient but we're totally strung out on this blog and we've been dying to know how the past couple of days have gone. This is so totally meant to be and I just couldn't be happier that your life is so full right now. No one is more deserving. Enjoy every second with your beautiful family.

Nonnie & Peetsie said...

We had been waiting for the final chaper in your blog, Carly. You are such a gifted writer. Adam is so fortunate to have you and Matt for parents. We cannot wait to be there for hugs and kisses. We have loved him from the first picture you received last summer, and will forever.

Heather said...

I can't even imagine what you and Matt feel like right now!! I am SO HAPPY for you guys. Thanks for all of the wonderful pictures and details of your trip! Keep the pictures coming - Adam is so cute. He is a very lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents:-)

Anonymous said...

Carly, the pictures are beautiful! I am so happy for you and Matt, Adam is so blessed with such wonderful parents!

kim padian said...

Carly I am with Susan on this one..FC sisters have been addicted to your blog. Thank you so much for posting it. I have cried through every post in utter joy and excitement for you and Matt, Adam and all your family. Congratulations and welcome to parenthood..say goodbye to your brain cause kids have a way to suck it right out of your head!!!!

Carolyn Benik said...

It's like you have made it your job to start my day out with happy tears! :-) I'm so thrilled for you and Matt. You are both wonderful parents and have such a great adventure in front of you. I'll say the cliche thing and say enjoy the baby time while it lasts - it really does FLY by and soon he'll be telling you now and running away at bed time. :-) But it's all worth it. Okay, I best clean up my tears and go take care of my own child. Love you so much!

Bill&Debby said...

Thank you so much for this great blog! Bill and I feel we've been on this wonderful "ride" with you all. The emotions were priceless. Adam fits like a glove in this family! Congratulations to all!!! Bill and Debby

Jen G said...

Well here I am again sitting at my desk at work crying like a little baby while my coworkers think I'm insane. Welcome home!! I am so happy that the trip went well and that Adam has taken so well to the entire family (and with such a great family - was there ever any doubt?). I can't wait to meet him and if you ever need a babysitter - just give me a call. :)

Mandy said...

Like everyone else here I'm addicted to your blog, waiting impatiently for new pictures and stories. And these are wonderful, Carly! Thank you for letting us hear all about your adventure and letting us share in your happiness now that the wait is finally over. You guys inspire me so much, you make me realize that there are still amazing things happening in the world every day, and your story of Adam's homecoming is a perfect and beautiful example. I love you guys!

lucasrock said...

Bill & Debby sent me your blog link. Read every posting. Boy, Carly; you did a GREAT JOB keeping everybody on the edge of their seats. So happy for you, Matt and Adam. Baby seemed to bond with parents in an instant. Jan; what a great experience. Sounds like an incredible adventure; you and Carly were amazing adapting to public transport in Seoul and making your way around; all with a new baby in tow!--Love to All; Debby's sister Holly

Sally said...

I have once again shed many a tear reading your latest post. I love the pictures and especially the one of the three of you. You make the perfect family and we are really anticipating meeting that little guy.

Congrats and man is he a handsome boy.

Karla said...

The pictures posted on this site are just beautiful. I love the picture of Adam and you in the air plane with the window behind you.

I am sure that these past few days have been a dream come true.

Enjoy your sweet natured boy!

Beth said...

Seriously, I've been jonsing for another post and checking for updates - this is such a beautiful story. I totally cried when I heard what Matt said and saw the 3 of you together - congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I am just thrilled for you 2 and your families. Enjoy your new family life! Beth W.

Renee Bergstrom said...

I am SO happy for you. What a wonderful start to an amazing journey.
The picture in the airplane is one of the most precious things I've ever seen.
Catch your breath and we will all get together soon.
The Bergstroms

Renee Bergstrom said...

Okay, whew, what an amazing start to your family's journey ahead. I couldn't be happier for you, and Adam is simply perfect.
The picture on the airplane is one of the most precious things I've ever seen.
Enjoy every minute and when you catch your breath and are ready for company, let me know.
I don't know who is luckier. Mom, Dad, or Adam.
The Bergstrom Family