Friday, October 26, 2007


Well my dear friends and family....HE IS HERE! Well not here, here at the business center of our hotel, but up in our room with his Nana sleeping peacefully. My son is here and my heart is bursting. The only thing that would make this day better and more complete would be for Matt to be here with us. I literally cannot wait for us to travel back home and for Adam to fill the place in our family that was meant just for him. I am finding it hard to find the right words to tell you about this day without bawling (and I'm trying hold it together because people are starting to stare) but I just have to say that my heart is overflowing and I am so thankful to God for this amazing gift. We have our boy!!! And he is amazing!!! At first I thought we might have our girl....but I'll get to that in a second.

Mom and I left early this morning and took a taxi to Eastern Social Welfare early this morning. We were set to go with our gifts, camera, papers, the works. When we first arrived they brought us in to meet our son's social worker and Dr. Kim. We had a nice meeting with him and talked about all of the amazing work that Eastern does. Then we were able to meet with the elder Dr. Kim who is 98 years old and still works very hard to help children in need. It was wonderful to meet the people who have done so much for my son and my family, but as we talked I was so distracted thinking, "Is he here yet? Will he like us? Will he be afraid?" And then the time came. Our social worker came in and said my son was here. She led Mom and I to a playroom and then suddenly there was my bouncy baby....

...I'm sorry what? What a beautiful girl, but where is my son???? :) Ahh! I mean we always knew he had the hair...but what?!?!?! Once I looked into his face I thought, "Ahhh there are those beautiful eyes I have been staring at in pictures for months. But for the love, why has someone put a pink barette in his hair? Well after the initial shock we sat down with our social worker, his foster mom, and of course Adam and played and played. He responded to us right away and was not at all afraid. His foster mom and social worker were very pleased becaused he had been having quite a bit of stranger anxiety lately, but not with us! His social worker informed us that she had decided it was too risky for us to take him tonight incase he became ill or too distressed. Mom and I were a little sad but were happy for our time with Adam and knew we would have our gotcha moment soon. Then the foster mom and social worker left us to play with him for about 20 minutes and we had a great time. He is a tiny peanut of a thing, but doing great for his age. He crawls and says 'dad' and 'mom' in Korean and he has 6 teeth!

It felt so good to be with him finally. After our short visit the women returned. After watching Adam with us they decided he would be fine and said we could take him home with us tonight! Horray!!! The social worker was nervous because Eastern has never let a parent take home the child after the first meeting, but she decided to take a chance on us and we are so glad she did. She told us the first Mr. Kim wanted to take mom and I to lunch while they gave Adam a final checkup and gathered his things. Mr. Kim took us for a nice meal at Marriot Hotel. When we returned Adam's foster mom showed us all of the wonderful gifts she had for him. She had made a wonderful photo album of their time together. She also gave him a traditional outfit to wear on his first birthday and an enscribed necklace with the Korean flag, his name, and birthday. We can never thank her enough for all she has done. Then it was time to get Adam's things and head back to the hotel. The elder Dr. Kim met us outside and said a beautiful prayer for Adam and for our entire family. Then we climbed in the van and headed to the hotel. When we got back to our room we had some important things to accomplish. We called Dad and waiting family at home...

...went shopping for some food and clothes for Adam for the next couple of days and then.....

 his first hair cut. Ahhhhh, much better. Now my son doesn't need to fuss with those pesky barrettes. :)

It was one the best days of my life. I feel so blessed to have Adam and I'm so blessed Mom was here. There are no words to say how thankful to her I am for everything she has done. I hope to be even half of the mother she is. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to bring Adam home to his Dad, grandparents and all of the family and friends waiting for him!


Anonymous said...

Carly he is precious! I am so happy for you!

Emily said...

So adorable!! Thank you for the wonderful call. I cannot wait to meet him and hope its soon!
Much Love to your new family!

Lisa said...

Oh my god, he is so darn cute. I love his new haircut. Can wait to meet him. Hope the first night went well!

Unknown said...

My joy is complete this morning! PRAISE GOD for his goodness in knitting and bonding you so beautifully!!!!
Much love, Jill

Unknown said...

Aw, I couldn't help but cry at your post. So wonderful! I'm excited for all of you. And the pink barrette was certainly a 'memorable' touch. I hope Colorado is ready for the arrival of McDreamy Jr.!

Emily said...

Hey Girls! Give me a call reguarding your itinerary...

Teri Lighthart said...

Greetings Mama Carly,
I am so over whelmed with happiness for you and Matt. The wait has been long but the blessing far out weigh the wait. Thank-you for sharing the pictures and everything that is going on with you and Nana Jann. Please give him a big hug and kiss from all of us in Omaha.
We love you dearly and welcome Adam to the family...can't wait to hug him in person.
Aunt Teri, Uncle Pat, Cousins Nikki, Mandy and Molly

Papa Dave said...

WOW! I just got the same rush I seeing the boy with his Mom that I got when I saw Christian with his Mom the first time! Stay there another day and enjoy the time with your new son in the fabulous hotel!

PS He is going to like me better CO! (Gerry)

grandmarosey said...

Just got through looking at the pics of my grandson,(our) grandson,and oh my god what a cutie, I think the barette made a statement, like cut my hair, what a handsome little man. I can't wait to hold him, Sunday can't get here soon enough. I seriously doubt you'll be able to miss us at the airport, nor will any of the other people at the airport.
his other grandma, who can't wait to see and hold him.

Bill&Debby said...

Carly and Matt, We are so happy for you!! Checking in today was the 1st thing we did, and what wonderful news! He's beautiful and we can't wait to hold him. He looks happy and healthy and we LOVE your baby!! B&D

Carolyn Benik said...

Carly I am so happy for you! I am literally sitting here in my pajamas just bawling thinking how full of happiness you must be at this very moment! It was clearly meant to be and has finally all come true at last! He's a very handsome little man and is already part of the family! We love you all so much and can't wait to meet your little angel! Finally you and Matt have the little one who belongs with you! I Love you!

Beth said...

Holy cow, Carly, I am sitting in my office at work absolutely bawling. I'm so thrilled for you, your Mom and Matt (who I bet is DYING for you to come home) - I can't wait until Rob and I come out to Colorado next so we can meet him! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anna said...

Carly your blog made me cry...and I'm at work!!! I is absolutely adorable and you are glowing in those pictures, I'm so happy for you. Have a safe and special trip home and I can't want to meet my new second cousin!!!
Love, Anna

Lorrie said...

Your class came in to view your blog. Some of the children were so happy to see you and Adam together finally, that they were happy with tears. Here are a few comments from your students: Dillon says, "I loved that blog of Adam chewing the phone!" Barbara said, "We love you and Adam." Kasidy said, "I miss you so much but I bet you are having fun with Adam in S. Korea." Dale says, "I hope that you will bring Adam soon!" Mary and I say, "How about a Halloween parade visit?" Your photos touched us and brought tears!
Lorrie & Mary

Aunt Gail said...

Funny how you can see the resemblance. Carly has always had that dark hair and expressive eyes. Now we know the real reason. Why should Adam have made strange with mom? I have itchy fingers to hold him...All our love

Lisa said...

I am at lunch now, looking at the blog, hoping for pics!! I am siting here crying and christian is saying Add>>> over and over. We miss you all and can't wait for Sunday. Thank you GOD for giving us Adam, WE ALL SO LUCKEY TO AHVE HIM IN OUR LIVES!!

Christi said...

Carly oh my, what a little precious bundle of joy you have!! He is super cute and we can't wait to meet him in person!!!

Lisa said...


Mandy said...

What a perfect ending to a long and trying journey! Or shall I say what a perfect BEGINNING to the wonderful journey you were meant to take with your beautiful son. Carly, I can't tell you how happy I am for you and Matt and your entire family. It's absolutely amazing... sometimes God's plans are hard to see but this one is clear now. Adam was meant for you and Matt and I think even he knew that when he first saw you in that playroom. Like your family says, the trials you've been through and the pain of waiting so long... it's far outweighed by the joy you must be feeling today. Congratulations! I can't think of 2 more amazing people to be blessed as you have been. I love you tons and seriously cannot wait to see you again, Adam in-hand!!

Jen G said...

Words cannot express my happiness and excitement for you and Matt (as I too sit here bawling at my desk at work reading your post). I can't even imagine the delight and relief you must feel to finally hold him in your arms. We can't wait to meet him and his fabulous new haircut. :) Have a safe journey home.
Jen (and Alex)

Laura Mirabito said...

What a beautiful baby. We are all happy for you. Can't wait to meet the emperor!!

Nonnie & Peetsie said...

This beautiful baby boy is the answer to lots and lots of prayers. These great grandparents could not be happier. We both melt when we read the blog. Thanks Carly and Matt for this gift.

grandfaaather said...

Carly kirwin, Adam kirwin @ Jann,I can hardly stand the wait. I'm so happy for you @ Matt. Adam is going to be so loved!! you and Matt will have a wonderful joureny with our little jer

PS- hey CO he's going to like me much more. and Jann thank you so much for everything you do!

Kelyn said...

I am just so excited for you. I keep thinking "Carly's a mommy" and I can't think of anything that makes more sense.

Sally said...

What a Handsome Man! There is nothing that looks more perfect then the picture of you with your son in your arms. And I'll tell you what I can't wait for.......your family Christmas picture this year. You have brought me to tears with your wonderful writing. We are so very happy for you and Matt and your new beautiful family... all 3 of you (Man that's fun to write I'm gonna do it again) all 3 of you!

We love you

Brian, Sally and Kiddos