Saturday, October 4, 2008

Adam's Press Conference

Good evening family, friends, fellow Americans, and Wiggles-aficionados everywhere. My name is Adam Kirwin and it is with excitement and a faint peanut butter aroma that I come to your computers today. As you can see I have briefly taken over the blog to bring you some crucial blogging-related, and more importantly, Kirwin-related business. And as I stand before you today I can honestly say that the state of the blog is....well...behind as usual. However the state of things in the Kirwin household is fantastic and feelings of excitement, joy, and happiness are booming, even more than usual. What has brought about this emotional upswing? Well allow me to show you and please refer to the adorable yet user-friendly visual aids I have created to aid you in this presentation.

Recently members of our household have been privy to a great Shock and Awe Campaign (see visuals:)



What brought about this campaign you ask? Well it was the amazing news that sometime in the middle of May, 2009 I, Adam J.M. Kirwin will become a:
(direct your attention to convenient visual C)

Convenient Visual C

Yay!!! That's right, my mom is going to have a baby and I am going to be a big brother. Well, let's be honest, not just any big brother, but just about the best big brother in the entire world.

At this point many of you may be scratching your head and thinking, "How can this be? I was told that such an event was a medical improbability." Well let me be the first to say, Ummm ya. That's what we thought, too. And then let me offer these words of wisdom I recently shared with my mother: Science comes so far and then comes God. And if we have learned anything in the last few years about the ways our family would grow, it's that God's in control. He has a plan and we are certainly blessed for it.

Obviously we are very excited about this news and some of us chose to express our joy in different ways:

So in light of this news, many preparations are being made and prayers are being said. Additions and changes will be made to our lives and home as well as to the blog as we continue to grow as a family. Thanks as always, for being a part of it.

Thank you also for allowing me to bring you this news. As we all know it would probably be years before my mom posted it. Stay tuned for my future postings including: Nap Time: I Know This is A Trick and I'm on to You.

In the meantime, love to you and yours!

AJMK: over and out


Sally said...

Holy Cow!!! Congrats to all the Kirwins! We are so very excited for you all and we can not wait to meet the newest addition!

Thanks for updating us Adam. We know your Mom would never have gotten to it!!


The Garricks

Anonymous said...

I'm am so excited for you! I can not think of a more deserving family to be give such a gift! All the love! I miss you guys!

Susan said...

To say I'm thrilled for you guys doesn't begin to cover it. What a blessing for a very deserving family.

Adam, mad props on the dancing skills. Not to mention the typing and spelling abilities. Quite advanced.

Carolyn Benik said...

Why must Adam make me cry? HMMM, WHY??? :-) Glad he made his post - now the entire world can share in the joy! :-) Love you!
Chris, Carolyn, Alyssa (and our C.R. who looks like Alex).

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! You and your family deserve this blessing. I know that Adam will make an awesome big brother. I am very excited for your family and can't wait to meet the little one when you come to visit your Nana and Petesie. Take care and hope to see more updates on the blog.

nonnie&peetsie said...

Adam, I am so happy for your news I feel like dancing too. Adam you have a wonderful mommie and she will teach you and your little one so very much. She deserves this great big gift and so does the whole family.
Love and hugs,

Heather said...

Carly - that is so AWESOME!! I am so shocked and excited for you. What a wonderful summer surprise :-)

Love ya,

Beth said...

Wow, I'm boo-hoo'in over here!!! Congratulations, you guys - Rob and I are so stoked for all of you. Thanks, Adam, for keeping us "in the know"

Anonymous said...

MATT AND CARLY!!!!!! Could we be any more thrilled for you?!!! Congratulations and when is the new addition due???!

Much love,
The Yuens

Tanya said...

Well, OMG!!! Congratulations, Carly!!! That's wonderful!!! I am so happy for you and your family. What a wonderful update, or should I say address, in your latest blog entry. Take care and keep in touch!!!
love, Tanya

Mandy said...

WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!! That pretty much sums it up! I can't believe this awesome news - there aren't any more deserving people in the world than you and Matt and your family. Can't wait to meet your new little one... YAY!

Karin said...


I am so happy for you!! It has been so many years. You have a beautiful family and you have not changed a bit. I am so happy about your children they are true gifts! I will talk to you soon. You have your hands full but I know you handle it with grace!

Love ya.