Before we got to the Exploding-Things-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named we had a great time with the family. We enjoyed a wonderful bbq at my mom and dad's house. Adam played in the pool with Christian, enjoyed cupcakes, and then some naked motorcycling. It was a right full day. Then we headed to Golden and met up with Matt's parents for a picnic and some time at the park. Adam went around meeting new friends and having a ball. And then it was time for the "fun". We found a "great" space on a ball field to watch the you-know-whats which was nice and close to the action (and who wouldn't want that?). And holding Adam tightly during the fireworks display, I did my darndest not to jump, flinch, whimper, run away, or rock in the fetal position. I did such a good job in fact, that not only did Adam watch the fireworks with little fear, but eventually he fell asleep. In the middle of fireworks. Sounds asleep. With all of the scary, noisy explosions, he drifted off to dreamland. Wish I could have done the same.
Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday. Thank goodness its 363 days until we have to do that again.
Silly Songs and Malts with Dad. Mom's crazy. This day is awesome!
Swimming with Aunt Leelee
"Cupcake buddy?"
"You got it buddy."
Ever have one of those dreams where you're riding your motorcycle with your balloon, but you're naked?
Ok anyone can ride a hawg naked but how many people can do...
Alright someone get some pants on that kid and lets head to the park.
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease.
Ring around the Rosie anyone?

OK time for a quick snack at my place and then we'll hit the tizz-own.
Ok here's the big moment. Look relaxed Carly. Be calm. That's it. That smile looks great. Not forced at all.
Inner Monologue
Carly: Oh God, I'm going to die here. This is it. Who knew I would go like this? Well to be honest, I did.
Adam: Wow that's nice. Why is mom so sweaty? Actually I think I'm just going to close my eyes for a quick sec...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Huh look at that. I can actually sleep standing up.

Look at you with your blog updates the same weekend! Didn't want to hear about it later eh? :-) Looks like a fabulous time was had by all!! Try not to be bothered by the photos/mention of you-know-whats on our blog.
I am so glad you survived the you-know-whats and that Adam followed in perfect fashion! We didn't even watch fireworks this year! Instead we invited some Brits to our party and razzed them. We thought forcing them to watch our fireworks from our Air Force Academy might prove too much!
OMG, I died at your title of your post - I freakin' love that line in Legally Blond!!!
Thanks for the updates - that's some fantastic stuff. Those naked pics were hysterical and I love how brave you were with the you-know-whats, you rule!
I don't know which I liked better - the naked motorcycling pix or the ones of you looking so brave during the you-know-whats. Great entry!
Carly, I'm so proud of you braving the fireworks for Adam. It's so funny that he actually fell asleep! I love the picture of him with the cake and of course the naked motorcycle pictures....ahh to be a kid again.....Take care!
Lots of love
Happy Belated Birthday!
I'd love to see some recent pictures of Adam!
I bet that the kids in your class like to hear about Adam.
I never knew you were afraid of fireworks! That's crazy! Did you have a traumatizing event as a child or something?
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