Thank you oh so much for coming to my party Grandfaaathhheerrr.

Greetings! Well it is official, Adam is one year old! This Saturday we celebrated Adam's Dol (first birthday) and had an absolutely wonderful time. His birthday was actually Friday and he had a small celebration in my classroom with his third grade 'brothers and sisters' and Saturday was the big family party. It was a fantastic time with a great blend of American and Korean customs. Matt and I made Bulgogi (I know...I cooked (with Matt's help) was edible...even tasty... wonders never cease... :). Rose made Mandu and we supplemented the remainder of the meal with food from Uoki including Sang-Choo-Sam and Bi-Bim-Bob. My mom and dad also brought an edible arrangement of fruit that was almost too beautiful to eat and of course there was cake, lots and lots of cake, everywhere! After dinner we completed the Korean tradition of the Dol table, where everyone at the party brings something to place on the table that will foretell Adam's future if he picks it up. Matt put a golf ball and a deck of cards, I put a pen and a box of band-aids (make way for the next McDreamy :) and the rest of the family brought other items. We set the items on the coffee table and then set Adam on the other side of the room. When I set him on the floor he took off like a shot for the table! Immediately he picked up the golf ball (of course) and then grabbed the toothbrush that my mom brought. We decided that this means he will either be, like Hermey, a dentist who loves to play golf in his free time or he will be a pro-golfer who has impeccable dental hygiene. After the table we opened presents and then Adam decided that since he held center stage that he would go ahead and walk his first steps alone. Ahhh! He took about 3 steps unassisted which was very exciting. He seems to have decided that 3 steps is the perfect length for a stroll and for the past few days has yet to move beyond that, but that's fine by me. I'm sure he'll be running around here before we know it.
After such strenuous activity it was cake time. Oh. Dear. Lord. Was it ever cake time. After being handed a chocolate cake for his own personal enjoyment, Adam didn't miss a beat before sticking in one fist, then another, followed by his face. He was in heaven. And this is a little guy who has shown little interest in anything sweet. Guess he's rethinking that policy as a one year old. And while this is certainly not something we'll make a habit, it was a great way to spend a birthday. Upon examining Adam after Cake-a-palooza, I began to see Kramer's brilliance in installing a disposal in his shower. However given that we were not that forward thinking it was into the sink for a scrub down.
It was really such an amazing day and one that brought me to tears on more than one occasion. I think back on how amazing this past year has been for us and am filled with so much thanks to every person who made it possible for us to get to this day. Can't wait to see what the next year has in store for Adam and our family.
Love to you and yours!

Hahaha! Did you say my mom made this?!?! Stop, hahaha, stop, you're killing me! But Dad was at least helping right? Ok that makes sense...

And thus Dad's day is made.
Wait Adam, are you sure you don't want the band-aids? Look, look how fun the band-aids are...ok, you do need to keep your teeth sparkling for that winning smile on the 18th green.

Happy Birthday, man.
Matt, practicing setting up camp for The Annual fishing trip next year.

The Stages of Cake Acceptance:

1. Curiosity

2. Intrigue

3. Ok maybe just one bite

4. The, "Hey, you've got some cake on your face man," stage
5. Sharing

6. Joy
7.Victory! Take tha
t 3rd percentile!
Terrific entry, Carly. I love how you're bringing Adam up in his Korean traditions as well as American ones. That will mean a great deal to him when he's older and it will enrich your lives as well. And walking on his first birthday? Amazing! So, so happy for all of you.
How fun! Sam didn't like his cake much. He liked the rice cake better. And good for Adam...showing off his twinkle toes on his bday! Happy Dol!!
And walking already?! That's amazing! What great timing to give it a whirl when you had a houseful. I'm sure everyone was so excited!
Great blog, great pictures, great to see you guys sooooo incredibly happy! Can't wait to see what's next... Give Adam a hug for me!
Love you guys,
How Fun!!! I don't think that I have EVER seen a 1 year old dig into a cake like that!! Good boy! I am so happy for you guys!
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