Make way for the Holiday Cheermeister!
Happy New Year to one and all! I hope you and your family had a blessed holiday season. It is hard for me to find the words (Ha! Somewhere Matt is muttering, "Well that's a first") to explain how amazing our holiday season has been. Being together with family and friends has always been the most special gift to receive during the holidays, but this year, with Adam home....well it was enough to choke me up on more than one occasion. I am thrilled to have had 2 weeks off to spend with Adam and we have certainly made the most of it. We had a great time at holiday parties and lots of lunches and coffees with old friends. We froze our gum drops off at Blossoms of Light at The Botanic Gardens and introduced Adam to his first giraffe at The Zoo Lights. We had a wonderful pre-Christmas Christmas at Rose and Jerry's house where Adam loved spending time with his cousins and vice versa. On Christmas Eve we went to mass and then had everyone over to our house. Christmas day both sides of our family met up at my folks' house and we had a great day opening gifts, playing games, counting our blessings, and basically eating our way through the day. It was wonderful to have Emily back home to celebrate with us. New Year's Eve had a brand new theme for Matt and I this year: Midnight on the East Coast is Good Enough for Me. :) Actually we stayed awake to see the first 5 seconds of 2008, and for that I am pretty proud. It is amazing to think about all that has happened in a year. It was a year ago that Matt and I decided that our family would grow through the miracle of adoption. A year since we got on the list to meet our son. We had started 2007 with hope, lots and lots of hope. And with each month that passed came more hope, more paperwork, and a greater realization that our baby was coming. Then in October the years of waiting came to an end. From the moment I met Adam every single second of waiting was not only worth it, but seemed like a small price to pay. We thank God for all of our blessings this past year and look forward to what 2008 has in store.
Much love to all of our family and friends, even if we could not physically spend the holidays together, you were in our hearts!
Check out my sweet new ride. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

You Can Do It, Adorable Santa Can Help
Thanks Nana and Papa!

Is there no end to the goofy outfits my mom puts me in?........No. No there's not.

Love love love the pics! What a cutie Adam is! I feel lucky to be a part of his life and yours and Matt's. 2008 can only hold amazing joy for us all! Can't wait for all the good times to come! Love you!
Good grief, Carly, were you unable to find a reindeer outfit? Seriously, he gets cuter all the time. It's truly been an amazing year for you and your family. Hope 2008 is equally full of blessings.
Love the outfits Carly! Adam is definitely a great sport. But who could possibly resist a baby in a snowman suit?? And I agree with Susan, we need to find you a reindeer suit for Adam. Never mind that it might be Valentine's Day before we get it to you... ;) Happy New Year!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Super cute pictures, Carly. Looks like you all had a wonderful holiday - I'm so happy for you. What an awesome year you've had! I'm sure 2008 will be even better now that your circle is complete. Thanks for being my girl! =) Love you lots!
Carly, It was so great to see you and meet Adam. I'm so glad we could get together. He is such a sweetie! Keep the updates coming!
Lots of love-
We just loved your Christmas pictures and always look forward to seeing new pictures. I do believe that is the cuties "snowman" I have ever seen.
Love to you all!
Aunt Teri L
These are beautiful pictures. I love the picture of the three of you sitting in front of the fire place!
May you have a wonderful New Year!
Thanks so much for posting all the pics and you even got me all teary again here at my desk at work. I absolutely LOVE the snowman outfit and the (what I will call) "Elvis" Santa outfit - absolutely adorable!
Happy 2008! What blessings we have to be thankful!! Adam is getting cuter and cuter each time I see him on the blog!
Adam is sooo stinkin cute I just want to kiss him!!!! I am so happy for you guys. I'm glad that you had such a great Holiday and you will have to tell us all about it on girls night!!!We love you guys!!
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