Visits from Adam's grandparents are so bright, he's just gotta wear shades.
So yesterday I was very, very busy with my many important summertime activities. Although for the life of me, I can't remember which critical task I was accomplishing (it might have been playing at the park, relaxing, creating masterpieces with sidewalk chalk, eating a popsicle, reading, relaxing, swimming, relaxing, napping, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, or catching up on reruns of The Ellen DeGeneres Show...with so much to do, one cannot be too sure) when I received a text. It was from my wonderful sister Emily and read, "For the love of God, update you're blog. You're on break for Pete's sake." Upon receiving it I called her up and whined about how busy I was and tried to talk her into doing it for me. Man, that girl cannot be bought. (Emily you, like summer, are fabulous.) However, I do know that I am LONG overdue in an update and for that I apologize. I have cleared some space in my very busy evening though and am ready to report. :) First of all I have to say again: Summer. Is. Fabulous.
I have always known this fact and applauded myself for choosing a career that I not only love but that I also get to leave for two months, which I love as well. However now that Adam is here and I get to just spend the day with him, I appreciate the beauty of summer even more. We have filled our days with just normal, tiny, happy things that have meant the world to me and have made for the most wonderful summer ever. We have gone on walks, gone to the zoo, played outside and it amazes me how magical such simple things can be. We are truly blessed (bet you wish you had a nickel for every time I said that phrase in this blog.) We had a great Father's Day and went to Water World and even spent a wonderful weekend up in Breckenridge. It has been fantastic to get to spend time with friends and family alike. Adam is in swimming lessons with his cuz' Christian and loves the water. He is getting so big and has entered full-on toddlerhood. He changes so much everyday and is loving some of his new hobbies like playing with cordless phone and meeting new friends in other states, dumping out mom's purse in under 2 seconds flat, and happily screeching as loud as his little lungs will allow simply because he can. :) We are having a blast. My only complaint is that time is flying by too fast. I just want to wrap it up and put it in a tupperware container in my fridge where it will stay new and fresh for as long as possible (how's that for an analogy hmmm?) I guess that's the way it goes with time. In the meantime, we'll just make the most of every second we have.
Hope you and yours are having a wonderful summer as well!!
A photo shoot I have dubbed The Summer of Fabulousness
Adam's first time going swimming

"Wait, we're going to do what??!! This is not fabulous.
Well... I guess it's sort of amusing...
I knew it. From the get go. Never a doubt in my mind. Let's go to the high dive shall we?

Fabulous times with fabulous friends.

"So...what's yours about? Mine's fabulous"

Matt's first Father's Day. Taking the family truckster to Water World. Isn't he fabulous?

Wheeeee, we're going to Water World.

Hey wait, what's Water World?
Ahhh. Water World has cool attractions and ice cream. Now
that is fabulous.