Greetings All! Today Adam and I headed to my school for the fabulous Thanksgiving lunch, lovingly prepared by Aunt Mary and Grams. Put aside all of your preconceived notions about school lunch (and lunch ladies :) because Aunt Mary is known for her fabulous lunches and for taking extra care of the teachers. We ate a great meal and then were able to visit my other kids. What a lucky lady am I!

A good night's rest before a busy school day is essential.

Aunt Mary and Grams: Taking school lunches by storm, one green bean at a time.
Lesson #1: Noses

Thank you Ms. Brown!

Carly, I just help but cry when I see your picture with your son Adam. You are so radiant and my heart is overwhelmed with the joy that God has brought to your life and Matt's. We can hardly wait to see and hold Adam in person some day.
Love Aunt Teri L.
P.S. Loved Adams hat :)
Great to see you with ALL your kids! What a lot we have to be thankful for this year!
Great photos, Carly, especially the nose one. Also nice to be able to picture you in your classroom when you go back to work. No wonder Adam was tired after his "first day of school." Great talking to you yesterday.
Of all the babies in South Korea, how did you manage to get the perfect one for you two? He is amazing, brillant, sweet, funny and very very loveable. We have so much to be thankful for!! GOD is good!
I neglected to look at your blog last week and today as I'm catching up, what a lovely surprise!! :-) Great pics - Adam is just such a little sweet and we're glad he's part of our world!
Love you!
Carly I've been meaning to drop you a few words for weeks. It's so great to see all the pictures and your blog is the best. How's Adam? This will be such a Merry Merry Christmas!!
Sorry.....I was somehow logged in as my dad for the last comment....
You both look so cute with all the kids. I'm glad to hear Adam is adjusting so well. I can't wait to meet him!
Love, Tanya
p.s. I don't suppose he would sport a CU Buffs hat if I sent one???? just kidding
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