We bought a very serene blue to cover over my former Trading Spaces colored-block wall. Farewell crazy wall, we bid you adieu. Matt put together our beautiful crib set. I know ladies, looks and handy-man capabilities, Matt is the full package (well minus his unintelligible emails and hatred of the Broncos). Thanks for the crib and changing table Papa!

Then my mom, Lisa, and Christian came over and we painted a tree on the wall along with some clouds, bees, and butterflies. The theme of the nursery is Classic Pooh, so we also painted some of the words from the Kenny Loggins song, The House at Pooh Corner. It turned out beautifully!

Then we went on with our summer and with our favorite past time.....waiting! :) Our prayers were answered on July 17th. At exactly 7:59am on that Tuesday morn, the phone rang with glad tidings from our wonderful AAC Debbie. She had a referral for us! Woohoo! She emailed me Adam's history and pictures. Matt was at work and I immediately called him. He was thrilled and could not wait to get home and read Adam's information. We had agreed that we would not tell anyone until we had decided that we were going to take the referral and sign the papers. Yah. Me and my iron will lasted about 40 minutes and I was on the horn calling friends and family alike. You probably heard about our referral on CNN. The thing was that for once there was nothing to wait on. Adam was a healthy, happy boy who was thriving and he was my son. I knew it. I headed off to nanny for the day and Mom and Lisa went out to buy gifts for Adam and his foster mom because the next day Matt and I would head to Berthoud to sign the papers. We were also able to send a care package to Adam with another traveling family. Mom and Lisa did a great job finding the gifts on such a short notice. That night we headed out with our families for a celebratory dinner at a Korean restaurant called Seoul Food. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day.

Well I have gone on enough for today. Thanks for letting me share (well not really like you had a choice but still, thanks). There is more to come in our exciting story, a surprise shower, a trip to Nebraska for a shower and a little cautionary tale I like to call: Guess What? The Government Has Changed the Required Forms, Just for Fun. Much love to you all!
Great Blog! If we don't get that little guy soon, Rose and I are going to have write our own, DIARY OF A MAD GRANDMA! Keep the posts coming! All my love to you and Matt and of course Adam.
Wow Adam's mom what a GREAT blog!! You have gift !! You have gone through so much this spring, summer and fall, Your little man well be here soon. I can't wait to meet him and watch him grow up. Oh what fun times to come! You and Matt will be GREAT parents! We Love you both so much!!
YEAH!! I love to see my friends start blogs!! it is so fun and easy to stay in touch. I have been wondering when you get to pick up Adam. I am so happy for you guys!! I look forward to staying up to date on all of your happenings.
Carly, this is so exciting! I am so happy for you and Matt! Keep us posted!
Carly!!! I love your blog! Oh! CAN I relate to everything you wrote!!! I love the tree in Adam's room!!! And what is it about our Korean boys and their hair?! May I add your blog link to ours??
PS - Still praying for that tc to come soooooooo soon!
What a great idea, Carly! An informational blog! Brilliant! =) You and Matt have been in my thoughts so much lately... I've been wondering if you've gotten "the call" yet but I'm sure I would have heard by now if you had. Much love to you both and know that I'm praying for you and your sweet little Adam. Can't wait to meet the little fella!
I'm so thrilled you've begun the bloggetry. :-) I am telling you, I have a good feeling that Adam will get to come home VERY soon. We think about you every day, and can't wait to meet your little sweetheart! love you so much!
Wow, I knew a blog by Carly would be a thing of wonder, but this exceeds my wildest expectations! I'm so honored to be able to share this journey with you and can't wait for the next steps. Oh, and love the tree. It's huge. (That's what she said.)
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