Monday, December 29, 2008

Gifts of All Shapes and Sizes

Happy Holidays Family and Friends! I hope this post finds you all happy and well. We spent a wonderful Christmas with family and feel so grateful for all the blessings of the past year and are looking forward to the wonderful things coming in 2009. Adam had a blast on Christmas and thanks to Santa and the spoil-etry (it's a word, try to use it today and impress those around you) of aunts, uncles, and grandparents he received many cool gifts including truckloads of toy cars, pun intended, which he adores. Adam has been in a total car-craze lately: toys, songs about cars, the movie Cars, clothing of the car persuasion, all bliss to him so he was especially happy. We have also had a great time since Christmas playing with the other toys and games he received and reading his new books and he has been in heaven.
Along with the joy we have had with Adam this Christmas, has come a new joy. As you know we received quite the unexpected and fabulous news that there is a new Kirwin on the way and last week we learned that that Kirwin's name is Cherry Chip. Ha! Really what I am saying, in my own silly way, is that we are having a girl!!!!!!!! You may have guessed given the new girly look of the blog but I thought this occasion called for a little celebration of pink. I don't know how we got so lucky as to have such an amazing son like Adam and now a little girl who so far (knock on wood) has been one low-maintenance lady (although what am I saying? She's a Kirwin, she'll be born and watch out!) So far things have been very smooth and wonderful and it was awesome to have the ultrasound and see her healthy and happy and kicking around in there. It was fantastic because Matt's folks, Adam, and my mom were able to be there as well. We have not decided on her real name yet, but for now she has been lovingly dubbed Cherry Chip by Adam and Christian, although whether they were naming her or simply asking for a snack is still up for debate. Whichever they were doing, the nickname has stuck...unless it really grows on us in which case who knows. As my friend Susan said, "Dr. Cherry Chip, please report to OR 2"....I don't know...kind of has a nice ring to it. :)
Happy New Year to All!
The Lady Herself

Waiting to see Her Cherriness...

Adam's impression of the baby from A Series of Unfortunate Events

"Nervous? No I'm not nervous...not at all". Check out that gut though.

Making Ornaments with Nene (and perhaps one of my favorite pictures ever)

Christmas Fun

Adam knows to never underestimate the power of accessorizing and a good bow....
blame her..........

...........and her.

Cars, glorious cars!