Happy Saint Patrick's Day to one and all! We have recently had some fun weeks seasoned with the subtle corn beef and cabbage undertones that this time of the year brings. Not only are we sporting our green for today's holiday, but we recently made the annual trek to Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland to celebrate cryogenically frozen people and Tuff Sheds everywhere. This Saturday we met with our wonderful social worker for our last home visit. It is amazing to think about the journey from our first visit to our last. Bless you Jane, for all that you do. It has been wonderful to be together as a family and I am thankful every day for my amazing son. He is a walking, talking machine and loved more than I can say. The Frozen Dead Guy Days Parade

How long is the wait for a table?
Sleepy Sleep Guy Days
Joe Dirt O'Toole: Rockin' the Green Mullet