Festive Holiday Headgear is Something to Applaud
Greetings! So once again there is a small delay in my posting, however since it is not yet Christmas, I figure I'm still making good time. You should all be receiving our Christmas card just in time for that most magical and joyous of holidays: Presidents Day. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and we had so much for which to be thankful. Adam is the answer to our prayers and has filled a place in our home and hearts that was meant just for him. It was fantastic to have a lot of our family from Nebraska including Nonnie, Petesie, Uncle Steve, Aunt Theresa, Ted, Dan, Nick and New York Auntie Em come to Colorado this year and to meet Adam. I am especially grateful to Nonnie and Petesie for making the trip, despite the fact that they were both under the weather and that Nonnie is still recovering from her knee-replacement surgery. And family who could not be here physically were absolutely here in our hearts and minds and possibly on the receiving end of some CU/NU football 'banter'.
Have Baby, Will Vacuum. Holiday cleaning never seemed so adventurous.
Have Baby, Will Vacuum. Holiday cleaning never seemed so adventurous.
Auntie Em takes her clean-up duty seriously. Aunt Lili...not so much.
Adam and Uncle Steve and Aunt Theresa
Dan the Baby Whisperer
President of the Bo Pelini Welcome Wagon