Sunday, May 11, 2008

For Your One-Click-Away Viewing Pleasure...

So thanks to Jill, The Ultimate Tech-Guru, I was able to move the slideshow here so you can watch without clicking on the link from the previous post. If you have not read the post below about our finalization please do (maybe before the montage because it explains some of the final pictures) but here it is. Thanks Jill!!

Forever a Family We'll Be

Greetings and Happy Mother's Day to every mother out there.

My first Mother's Day as an actual mother has been such a gift. Especially in light of the fact that last Thursday we headed to Fort Collins to finalize Adam's adoption and for him to become a United States citizen. It was one of the best days of my entire life and one I will hold close to my heart. Matt, Adam, and I headed up to Fort Fun with both sets of grandparents anxious for the day. We had a nice lunch at a Mexican restaurant (that's how we roll) and then took a great tour of the CSU campus. It was fun to see places Matt and I had lived and to meander down memory lane. I subtly threw out hints for Adam's benefit about the glory of CSU should he choose to attend and we had a marvelous time. Finally we headed to the court house for the big moment. I was so excited to see there were other families there for their finalizations as well and we were able to reconnect with a couple from our trainings so long ago and to meet their son. Then we met another family whose son was born only days before Adam, in the same town, and who spent the same time in the nursery as Adam had. What an amazingly small world it is. Not only that, but we found out we shared the same social worker and while Mom and I were in Seoul, Jane, our social worker was there as well picking up their son.
Finally we were called into the court room, where the wonderful Judge Williams officially gave us the gift for which we have waited for so very long, a son. It was so quick, but perfect and it amazes me how such gigantic life-changing events can happen in an instant. After the proceedings we were able to take photos and Adam even got to intern for the judge for a short while. To celebrate we headed to Walrus for delicious ice cream and THEN to The Pickle Barrel to pick up sandwiches for dinner. We are truly, truly blessed.

My wonderful friend and fellow Seoul Sister, Jill, has not only been a support through our adoption, but a technical support as well. She is the one who introduced me to the wonder of blogging and recently has introduced me to the wonder of photo montages (Jill, you are an inspiration!) Well in honor of this momentous occasion I thought I would whip up a little photo montage myself, shouldn't take more than an hour or so. Well 4 days later I present you a montage of our journey including our finalization photos. We are so thankful to God and to each and every person who made this journey possible.

Here are the photos: